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Elon Musk predicts next global shortage in AI-driven world

Elon Musk is one of the most successful and influential entrepreneurs of our time, and his predictions about the future of technology often make headlines. His latest statement suggests that there could be a global shortage of graphics processing units (GPUs) in the near future.

Musk believes that the rise of AI-driven technologies will create a huge demand for GPUs, as these components are critical for powering AI systems. He predicts that the world could face a significant GPU shortage within 18 months, as the usage of AI systems is expected to scale rapidly.

The demand for GPUs is already high due to the needs of the gaming and cryptocurrency industries. The use of GPUs in AI systems would further strain the availability of these components, potentially creating a supply-demand issue.

Musk’s solution is to make AI more accessible and to encourage more companies to build AI systems. He suggests that AI accessibility should be prioritized to ensure that the technology can be utilized to its full potential without being limited by resource constraints.

It’s worth noting that Musk’s predictions are often forward-thinking and may not always come to fruition. However, his insights into the future of technology are certainly interesting and worth considering.

For now, it’s a waiting game to see if Musk’s predictions come true, but one thing is for sure: the world of technology is always evolving and entrepreneurs like Musk are helping to shape the future.

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